21 Ways to Keep a Dog Busy Indoors - Pet Parlour Australia

Pet parents constantly look for new activities to keep their dogs engaged. Whether you’re skilled with dogs or new to their world, this article has got you covered. We share 21 fun games and activities to try to keep your dog entertained indoors.

Here are the activities:

  1. Tire Them Out While They’re Outdoors
  2. Play Fetch
  3. Play Hide and Seek
  4. Try Dog Puzzle Toys
  5. Teach Them New Tricks
  6. Get the Snuffle Mat
  7. Play Tug of War
  8. Have Doggy Playdates
  9. Make DIY Toys
  10. Make Obstacle Courses
  11. Play Scavenger Hunt
  12. Do Obedience Training
  13. Make the Best Use of the Windows
  14. Rotate the Toys
  15. Have Them Look for Treats
  16. Play the Shell Game
  17. Use the Stuffed Kong
  18. Teach Them to Help with Chores
  19. Try the Which Hand Game
  20. Give Them a Massage
  21. Have Them Chase Bubbles

1. Tire Them Out While They’re Outdoors

Maybe you’re looking for ways to entertain your dog so they don’t go indoors chewing on shoes because of boredom. If so, you may need to make better use of your time outdoors. That’s why your yard or the street is the first place to start. Have your doggo chase other dogs, have them swim, or do any activity you can to tire them out. When they get in, they’ll be happy to just sit around and relax.

2. Play Fetch

Although playing fetch is often an outdoor activity, you can also take the game indoors. An important tip to follow here is to use a lightweight ball so you don’t break most of the things lying around in your home. You can tell your dog to fetch toys by name, so they also have good mental stimulation while playing.

3. Play Hide and Seek

Hide and seek is a great game to play indoors. The thrill is even higher if you have kids.

For starters, tell your dog to sit and stay. If they haven’t mastered the command, you can have another family member stay with the dog. Then, other players should go around the house and hide. Call the dog to start looking for you when everyone is in their positions.

4. Try Dog Puzzle Toys

Puzzle toys are great for boosting your dog’s mental focus. The principle is very simple. The dog has to solve a puzzle by shaking or tilting a toy. The point is to knock the kibble(s) out of the toy and eat them.

Puzzle toy games are also a great exercise for dogs who tend to grabble up food too fast.

5. Teach Them New Tricks

Dogs love to play, but they also love learning new things. Tricks can range from super simple, like sitting or giving paw, to more complicated like teaching names of their favourite toys or opening and closing doors.

6. Get the Snuffle Mat

Getting a snuffle mat from the store or making your DIY item is a great way to keep your dog busy if you need some time away. You can create your snuffle mat in any design, pattern, and size. The more pockets, strips, petals, and other elements the mat has, the longer it will keep the dog entertained.

While it keeps them busy, a snuffle mat also exercises the dog’s mind.

7. Play Tug of War

Tug of war is among the best physical and mental exercises for dogs. You can play tug of war indoors because it only requires little room.

Many dog owners are concerned that letting their pets win will make the animal more dominant and less obedient. However, the exact opposite is true. When they win, they will find the game more fun and want to play more.

8. Have Doggy Playdates

Do you have a friend who also has a dog? You can invite them over for a small doggy playdate.

This great activity will not only keep your dog entertained but also you and your friend. While the pets do their thing, you can exchange news and ideas or simply chill out.

9. Make DIY Toys

If you’re feeling extra creative, you can make DIY toys for your dog. Your pup will be entertained with unique toys, and you’ll feel extra proud of the dog mom/dad you are. You can use tennis balls, kitchen towels, socks, empty bottles and milk containers, or old, unused clothes to create new pup toys.

An old T-shirt can become a rope, and a soda bottle a new treat dispenser. The internet is packed with instructions on making DIY toys using simple items, and you’re guaranteed to love them.

10. Make Obstacle Courses

Home obstacle courses are super fun to make and can serve as an endless source of entertainment for pets. If you have enough room indoors, you can create courses to teach your dog agility basics, jumping, weaving through home items, and much more. And if you have kids, obstacle courses are a double win!

The best part about these courses is that you can adjust them to your dog’s current agility and mental capabilities. You can start simple and slowly build your own obstacle terrain using your imagination.

11. Play Scavenger Hunt

Who says scavenger hunt is only for humans? Dogs are natural scavengers, and they’ll love tracking items on a hunt. Some ideas include fresh cut flowers, sticks, or hidden treats.

The key to this activity is to be patient, especially with dogs with limited scent work experience. They can get confused in the beginning, so give them enough time.

12. Do Obedience Training

If your dog still didn’t have the chance to learn the basic obedience commands, you’ve got yourself a great indoor activity to keep them entertained. You can do short bursts of 10-minute obedience sessions to stimulate your dog and help them master new skills.

13. Make the Best Use of the Windows

Dogs love to watch the world go by. You can make their own personal space by the window to make it comfortable for them to sit or lie down while staring at the yard or the street. If you need some time on your own and are looking for easy ways to keep your dog busy, having them examine the outdoors from the window can be of great help.

14. Rotate the Toys

If you’re like most dog owners, you buy more toys for your pets than necessary. As a result, the doggo gets bored with their expensive entertainment tools sooner than expected. A simple hack you can do is rotate the toys. Don’t give your pet access to all of them at the same time. Hide some of them and rotate them every once in a while to keep things fun and bring the enthusiasm back.

15. Have Them Look for the Treats

Hiding treats around the home and having the dog look for them is super fun and makes a great indoor activity. You can hide treats next to the chair, on the floor behind the table, or inside the closet.

16. Play the Shell Game

Chances are, you’ve seen cute animal videos online where the owner gets three cups and places the treat under one of them. Then, they shuffle the cups and encourage the dog or cat to find their treat. This easy game is a great mental stimulator for the dog, and it’s very simple to play.

17. Use the Stuffed Kong

If you haven’t tried stuffed Kongs by now, you’ll love this activity. It’s great for getting rid of boredom and giving your dog a fun and rewarding thing to do. You can stuff their favourite treats inside a Kong and let them work for it.

You can even place the Kong in a freezer and leave it to the dog as you take off for work. The pet will have something to do while you’re away, and they’ll be able to snack on some foods to keep their bellies full.

18. Teach them to Help with Chores

Dogs are great helpers. They love being assigned tasks. You can start from simple chores like fetching your slippers to teaching them the names of items you want to be retrieved, like a TV remote or plastic bottle.

If you’re up for the challenge, you can teach your dog to fetch things from the fridge. Imagine the look on your friends’ faces when your doggo treats them with a bottle of fresh beverage!

19. Try the Which Hand Game

The “Which Hand” game is great for teaching scent work to dogs. You can chop veggies and place some of them in your hand, then make a fist. Have the dog choose one of the hands. They will place their paw or sniff the chosen hand. If they sniffed the correct one, open it up and serve them the treat.

If they choose the empty hand, be gentle with them and give them another try.

20. Give Them a Massage

Most dogs love massages. This activity helps them relax and soothe their muscles. Older dogs with arthritis can especially benefit from massages, as it boosts their circulation, reduces anxiety, and relieves stress.

21. Have the Dog Chase Bubbles

Having your dog chase bubbles is a great way to keep them entertained and happy. Some dogs are intrigued and fascinated by the game, so you can test how your pet will react to it. You can use bubbles made for children. And even if your dog is unfamiliar with bubbles, you can easily teach them how to chase them.

Best Ways to Keep Your Dog Busy

Keeping your dog busy doesn’t have to be a tiresome task. On top of the abovementioned activities, you can play dress up, practice grooming, or even have a movie night with your pet for some extra cuddling time.

Hopefully, the activities on our list gave you hours of high-quality time with your pet.