Can dogs eat grapes? - Pet Parlour Australia

Grapes, found in most kitchens, are eaten as a sweet and juicy summer snack. but if you're thinking about throwing one for your dog, think again! As a dog owner, its your responsibility to know what you can safely feed your dog, and grapes are a no-no. This fruit is highly toxic to dogs regardless of breed and age - so what looks to be a simple healthy treat for you, would mean a trip to the emergency veterinarian for your four legged friend. Being dried grapes, this goes for raisins too!

Grape toxicity is not widely known among people - but why are grapes or raisins so bad for your pooch?

Why are Grapes and Raisins bad for Your Dog?

Simply put, grapes or raisins in any format or amount are a toxic substance to your dog, and should never be given to them. The exact cause of this toxicity is unknown, but it means that no grapes, whole, peeled or seedless grapes, grape juice or any grape products should be ingested by your dog, in any amount. Even one single grape can poison your dogs, causing them kidney failure and even death.

Grape poisoning has been observed across the entire canine family regardless of species and size, and grape and raisin toxicity should never be underestimated by dog owners. Grapes or raisins should be stored away in the household and never left innocently in a fruit bowl where your dog may be able to gain access. The last thing you want to do is walk into your kitchen and find out your dog ate them! Dogs may recognize grapes or raisins as food and so could eat them without knowing that they will make them ill.

As its currently unknown what causes grapes to be a toxic substance to dogs, it means that its unknown the amount of grapes or raisins that need to be ingested to prove fatal. Even one grape can cause kidney failure in dogs, but some breeds do not experience kidney failure at all. Regardless of this, eating grapes and raisins are bad for all dogs, especially if you don't know how your dog will react.

Signs That Your Dog Ate Grapes or Raisins

It good for any pet owners to know the early signs of toxic reaction in their pets, as sometimes things that may seem normal for us to eat can prove highly toxic to our little friends.

Some of these symptoms can also be caused by other issues, so if you are ever confused or unsure of their cause then it is best to consult your vet immediately. This ensures that you get the correct treatment, but if the issue is serious - as in the cause of ingested grapes or raisins - then the immediate action may be beneficial to catch the problem in time. Grape toxicity can be fatal to dogs therefore the quicker you spot these symptoms and seek help the better.

The symptoms of grape poisoning include:

Decreased Appetite

Dogs may experience a decrease in their appetite.

Lethargy or Tiredness

General lethargy, weakness or an unusual quietness in dogs are more symptoms of grape poisoning.

Increased Urine Production

Your dog may become more thirsty than usual, and have an increased need to drink a lot. Dogs can sometimes begin to produce more urine than usual as well, this is because grape poisoning will affect most dogs kidneys and can bring about total kidney failure. These are the initial stages of poisoning.

Vomiting or Diarrhea

Within a few hours your dog may begin vomiting or develop diarrhea. This is another symptom that they have eaten grapes or raisins.

Tender Abdomen

Dogs may develop abdominal pain or tender abdomen, abdominal pain can mean that your dog is suffering from grape poisoning.


Dehydration is another symptom. You can check if your dog is dehydrated quite easily by gently pulling back the skin at the back of your dog's neck. your dog is suffering from dehydration if the skin does not go back into place right away.

Decreased Urine Production

Dogs may develop decreased urine production or urine production may shut down entirely. This is a sign that your dog's kidneys are shutting down. You should have sought help by this point, but if not you must seek immediate treatment.

What to do if Dogs Eat Grapes or Raisins?

So the worst has happened, your dog has jumped the counter, got his nose in the shopping bag or simply been fed a grape or raisin by an innocent person who doesn't know any better.

Either that, or you recognize some of the symptoms above, and you suspect your dog ate grapes. It can be a worrying time for dog owners but there are ways to help.

Don't Panic

Firstly, if any dogs eat grapes and raisins, even if it's just one grape or raisin, you must treat it as an emergency situation. Staying calm is key, and trying to help your dog as best you can is paramount.

Getting your dog to the vet immediately is a priority.


Make your way to the local veterinarian or emergency pet clinic with your dog. You should call the clinics to let them know that you are coming and what has happened, or that you suspect or know that your dog has been eating grapes. They will advise you over the phone whether you should take any action whilst you are on your way.

The pet poison helpline is a great resource to call also.

Induce Vomiting

Your veterinarian may advise you to induce vomiting in your dog, but it is important to note that you should do this only at the discretion of your vet. If your dog is having trouble breathing or is unconscious you should not induce vomiting at all. Sometimes dogs will go into shock or experience serious distress, again, in these cases you should not induce vomiting.

If your dog vomits before you contact the vets, this does not mean that they will cure themselves and do not need help. Grape poisoning is serious and your dog should still be taken to the clinic in case their symptoms worsen. Always follow the instructions of your veterinarian.

What Will the Vet do if my Dog Eats Grapes

When dogs eat grapes, a trip to the veterinarian should be imminent. Grape toxicity is a serious problem and cause kidney damage, proving to be fatal to dogs. The good news is that vets know that grapes are toxic to dogs and can offer help to cure them!

More Vomit!

A vet will focus on trying to decontaminate your dog from the grapes or raisins that they ingested. They will usually induce vomiting to help rid your dog of any extra grapes in their stomach, this is because grapes and raisins stay in your dogs stomach stomach for a few hours after ingestion.


You may have heard of activated charcoal for its supposed health benefits for humans, but did you know it is a legitimate treatment technique for grape poisoning!

Your veterinarian may give your dog activated charcoal to help bind any leftover grapes or raisins in the stomach and absorb the toxin from the body. This will help to prevent absorption of any excess grapes by the stomach or intestine which can help to limit additional kidney damage.

Overnight Stay

Dogs may require to be kept in the clinic for 48 hours while they administer intravenous fluids or monitor your dogs blood work.

So No Grapes - But What Can I Give to my Dog?

Are you starting to feel sad that your furry friend can not enjoy some of your fruity favorites? If you're trying to improve your dogs diet or try to bring in some sweet treats that are inherently healthy, then look no further. While grapes, raisins and a myriad other fruits are inherently harmful to your dogs, there is a large selection which are good for them.

If you're looking to incorporate some more fruit into your dogs diet, some berries are a great start. Strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries. Your dog can eat all of these with no problem - however the bitterness of cranberries may put your dog off!

The Takeaway

The easy answer to the question "Can dogs eat grapes?" is NO. Never. Not under any circumstances. The simple fact is that dogs, grapes or raisins do not mix. If you have a pup at home and want to enjoy your juicy grapes, eat them away from them and make sure they are stored safely. Your dog may eat grapes without knowing they will make them ill so you should ensure to make sure that they will not be able to have access to them if they sniff them out.

Its important for a dog owner to know the symptoms of grape poisoning and to be on the lookout for them, it may just save your dogs life!

Dog owners should always be aware of foods that are poisonous or toxic to dogs, and as such should be sure to conduct research into these foods before including them in your dogs diet. If you are ever unsure, be sure to ask your vet and remember, your pooches health should always come first! With that being said, there is a number of fruit that dogs all over the world can enjoy, so as long as you follow the guidance, along with advice from your veterinarian, then your dog can join you in a healthy sweet treat.