Can dogs eat Mango? - Pet Parlour Australia

Us pet parents are used to sharing our food with our dogs, as they seem to magically appear whenever wrappers are opened and packets are peeled apart. There are many foods that we know are safe for dogs. Chicken, apples, peanut butter, fish? Check, check, check, and check. We also know that are there are definite no-go foods that are bad for our dog's health. These include chocolate, grapes, milk, onions, and many more.

The question of "can dogs eat mango?" is one uttered by many pet owners. After all, there are certain fruits that are suitable for your canine companion to eat. Is mango one of them?

The answer is yes - you can give your dog mango! This exotic sweet fruit is full of vitamins that can benefit your dog. Before letting your dogs eat mangoes, or any new food, you should check with your veterinarian. They can confirm it is a safe addition to your pup's diet.

Here we have outlined all you need to know when feeding your dog mangoes.

Health benefits of mango

It is filled with vitamins

As well as potassium, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene, mango contains a whopping four vitamins: A, B6, C, and E. You can learn more about these vitamins and their many health benefits below.

It can boost your dog's immune system

Just one serving of mango contains 50% of the recommended daily intake of Vitamin C. In addition to supporting the immune system, Vitamin C supports healthy cognitive and neurological function. It can also help wounds to heal quicker, so is an important part of your dog's diet.

Vitamin A levels are also boosted by eating mango. This nutrient is important as it promotes good eyesight, especially in older dogs. More specifically, it can assist with night blindness and dry eyes. Vitamin A also helps with healthy skin and coats in dogs, as well as aiding the proper function of organs such as kidney, liver, and lungs.

It is rich in antioxidants

Similar to blueberries - which you can also let your dog eat - mango contains antioxidants. These superpower compounds can benefit senior dogs in particular, as they have been shown to reduce cognitive dysfunction and the aging process when incorporated into a dog's daily diet.

Two types of antioxidant found in mango is alpha-carotene and beta-carotene. Antioxidants are a crucial part of your dog's diet as they protect the body from unstable molecules called free radicals. Free radicals can cause cellular and molecular damage and can even contribute to the onset of diseases such as cancer. So, antioxidants are key to help prevent illness and degenerative diseases.

It is high in dietary fiber

High in water and fiber, mango can support a healthy digestive system in dogs. Not only does mango ensure that your dog's digestion runs smoothly, but it can also alleviates symptoms of diarrhoea and constipation in dogs with an upset stomach.

How much mango can a dog eat?

While you can let dogs eat mangoes, it is important to serve the correct portion size to protect your dog's digestive health and avoid tooth decay.

It is recommended that you limit feeding your dog mango to a quarter of one cup of fresh mango once a week. It does make for a healthy treat, but mango contains a lot of sugar. It is also higher in calories than other fruits, such as watermelon, so moderation is key. Too much sugar is bad for the teeth - in both humans and dogs. When letting your dogs eat mango, and other sweet fruits, you should follow the advice of your veterinarian to avoid dental decay.

As mango fruit is so high in fiber, your dog may end up with stomach upset if they eat too much mango. When it comes to feeding your dog mango and other fruits, it is important to class them as treats. As such, they should only account for 10% of your dog's daily caloric intake.

A quarter cup of this tasty treat once a week is the recommended serving, but portion sizes can vary based on your dog's weight, size, and medical history. For personalised advice, consult your veterinarian.

How should I feed mango to my dog?

When feeding your dog mango, you should start with small amounts to confirm that there are no side effects such as allergies.

Before you serve mango to your canine friend, you should properly prepare the tropical treat as you would if you were to eat it yourself. First, you should wash the mango thoroughly. Then, peel the skin off the flesh of the fruit.

Mango skin is extremely tough and can be dangerous for your dog, so never feed this to your pup. As well as being difficult to chew and digest, mango skin also contains a component called urushiol. An oily substance found in mango skin, urushiol is also found in poison oak and poison ivy. If your dog eats the mango peel, they can come out in a rash. If your dog manages to swallow a small piece of mango peel, it may pass through their digestive tract without any issues. You should monitor them for any changes in behaviour, such as lethargy, decreased appetite, vomiting, or diarrhoea. If any of these symptoms appear, consult your veterinarian.

It is also crucial that you remove the large, central mango pit as this can pose a choking hazard to your dog. If the mango pit is swallowed it could cause an intestinal blockage, so you should keep mango pits away from your dog when serving the fruit.

You should cut the mango into suitable portions according to the size of your dog. For smaller pups, bite sized pieces are best, whereas bigger dogs can eat larger pieces of sliced mango.

Below we will look at what types of mango are not suitable for dogs, but first lets take a look at how you can make this tropical fruit more exciting for your furry friend.

For teething puppies, frozen mango can be a perfect treat that soothes aching gums. Freezing mango also ensures that this healthy snack lasts longer, ready for when you need it.

When pureed and stirred into cottage cheese, mango makes a delicious treat that will earn dog parents some serious brownie points!

Can dogs eat mango-flavoured foods?

Letting your dog eat mango in moderation is fine, but the same can't be said for some mango-flavoured foods.

You should not feed your dog mango ice cream or sorbet if it contains artificial sweeteners such as xylitol, as they are highly toxic to dogs. To work around this, you can use plain, unsweetened yoghurt to make your own dog-friendly mango ice cream that is perfect for hot summer days.

When it comes to dried mango, this fruit is safe for dogs to eat, as long as you only serve your dog the soft flesh of the mango. Make sure to avoid feeding your pup the peel and pit.

When is mango bad for dogs?

You must never feed your dog mangoes that have gone bad, even if you would eat it yourself. When fruit goes rotten it produces ethanol (alcohol), which is poisonous to dogs. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include tremors, seizures, and vomiting. If you suspect your dog may have alcohol poisoning, consult your vet immediately.

Mangoes can be bad for some dogs who suffer from medical conditions, such as diabetes or pancreatitis. You should not feed these dogs mango as they require a specific prescribed diet to stay fit and healthy. If your dog has any underlying conditions or life threatening issues, be sure to speak with your vet before introducing any new foods into their diet.

What fruit is bad for dogs?

We know that fruit is healthy for us humans, but not all varieties are good for dogs to eat. It is crucial to do your research before feeding your dog fruit, as not all varieties are suitable treats. According to the American Kennel Club, the following fruits should never be given to dogs as they can cause symptoms ranging from short-term tummy ache to more serious illness.


Cherry plants contain cyanide, a chemical that is toxic to dogs. Never feed your dog cherries to avoid the risk of poisoning.


Grapes have been proven to be extremely toxic to dogs of all breeds, so should never be fed to any dog. Raisins - dried grapes - are also toxic to dogs, so avoid both of these fruits.


Another fruit that is not safe for your dog is tomatoes. The red, ripened fruit of the tomato plant is thought to be safe for dogs, but the green parts of the plants are toxic as they contain a substance called solanine. To be safe, no part of the tomato plant should be fed to dogs.

The good news is that there are many fruits that are good for dogs, such as blueberries, watermelon, bananas, and of course - mango!

What to remember

  • Always peel mangoes before serving as the skin can cause your dog to become ill
  • Be sure to remove the pit as this can be a choking hazard to your dog
  • Make sure the serving is the appropriate size for your dog
  • Monitor your dog when giving them a new food


There you have it, the answer to "can dogs eat mango" is yes! As long as you follow the advice on feeding mango to your pup, us dog owners can share a few fruity slices with our furry best friends.